Saturday, May 29, 2010

Oolong Tea for Weight loss!

Oolong Tea Weight Loss Fact #1:
Weight Loss Tea?
First let me assure you: Drinking oolong tea does help you lose weight.
Even in traditional tea drinking countries like China and Japan, it has a huge reputation and following for helping people keep slim.
It is widely accepted in China that all teas - especially green tea, oolong tea and pu-erh tea - "make one thin."
Oolong tea is not as well studied as green tea. But there is decent scientific evidence that it helps lose weight by
  • Increasing metabolism
  • Burning fat (through a process called lipolysis)
  • Blocking dietary fat absorption
    Oolong Tea Weight Loss Fact #2:
    Fat Blocker
    In Asia, oolong tea is a popular accompaniment for greasy food.
    Now, scientists have proven that it is an effective fat blocker.
    A study conducted by the University of Tokushima found that it can double the amount of fat being excreted.
    12 young Japanese adults participated in the 17-day study, consisting of 10 days of washout and 7 days of treatment.
    The scientists found that fat excretion was twice as high for those who consumed oolong tea compared to the placebo.
    Oolong Tea Diet Blocks Fat Absorption
    Oolong Tea Weight Loss Fact #3:
    Keep Slim
    After you have lost weight successfully, you face a long fight to keep fats from piling on.
    What do you do? I don't really recommend consuming fat burner supplements for longer than 3 months. They might be toxic when accumulated over the long term.
    This is when a suitable tea beverage comes in. They are proven natural fat burner over the long term.
    A 2007 American study found that rats prone to obesity cut weight gain by 66% by consuming the equivalent of 6 cups of tea a day.
    In addition, their triglyceride fats were 80% lower.
    Oolong Tea For Fat Loss - An Ideal Weight Watcher
    Oolong Tea Weight Loss Fact #4:
    Reduce Belly Fat & Cholesterols
    A 2001 Japanese study found that drinking 1 litre of oolong tea a day can take 2 years off the internal organ age.
    Out of the 11 participants, 9 experienced 2 centimeters reduction in their waist size and 8 experienced 2 centimeters reduction in their upper arms.
    They also observed lower cholesterols levels.
    Oolong Tea Anti-Obesity Benefits - How It Reduce Belly Fat and Cholesterols

Sunday, May 23, 2010

6 Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda

What's the most convenient beverage you can grab when you're thirsty? Soda, of course. But we all know that soda is quite unhealthy and we'll give you at least 6 reasons why you should stop drinking it. Learn all the heath effects of drinking soda

6 Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda

1)Empty calories and sugar cravings

Many of us when thinking about how much calories we consume daily, we forget to count the calories contained in the regular soda. A regular 12 ounce of soda contains about 150 calories and about 9 teaspoons of sugar. You might be thinking that you are better of drinking diet soda which only contains one calorie but think again. Studies have shown that the artificial sweetener used in diet sodas ,aspartame can increase sugar cravings and moreover, you might be tempted to splurge on a decadent dessert afterward because after all, you consumed less calories, right?

2)Weak bones and bad teeth

Soda contains phosphoric acid because it gives it a sharper taste. Yet, this acid is causing the body to excrete calcium trough urine thus weakening the bones. What's more because of sodas are acidic they can damage enamel and if you choose regular soda you are at a higher risk for cavities because of the high content of sugar in these drinks. People who drink more than 3 sugary drinks a day have 62% more tooth decay, feelings and tooth loss.

The PH in a soda drink varies for 2 to 3.5 (very acidic) while the PH in our mouth is between 6 and 7 (sightly acidic or neutral) .It can be really frightening when we think that a battery acid has a PH of 1 or that phosphoric acid is commonly used for rust removal.


Sodas contain high fructose corn syrup which is a simple carbohydrate thus, it is easily absorbed by the body increasing insulin levels. A study conducted for a period of 8 years found that women who drank one or more sugary drinks a day significantly increase their risk to develop diabetes

4)Liver damage

Because of all the artificial sweeteners your liver has to work overtime to process all these substances. Because all sugars are eventually transformed in glucose and the fact that high fructose corn syrup is metabolized a lot harder you are more prone to develop a fatty liver and thus you are more prone to have a liver disease.


While the reason why you drink soda might be to satisfy your thirst the truth is that you achieve just the opposite. Most sodas contain caffeine which is a diuretic and thus soda dehydrates you. It has been said that you would have to drink 3.5 liters of soda to be as hydrated as you would be with only 2 liters of water.

6)Soda is addictive
With its high amounts of sugar and caffeine it's easy to see why sodas can be so addictive. Caffeine is a stimulant, just like a drug and sugar which is satisfying our sweet tooth and promotes sugar craving is the perfect combination. If you try to stop drinking soda you will experience withdrawal symptoms like headaches, irritation, restlessness or insomnia.


Bottom line is,you are far too gorgeous for soda,You body deserves the best,& only you can give it the best.Know your worth and DRINK like you know it.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fashion Must have!

If you are a Hello Kitty fan I know you will totally get into these watches! Even if you are not…how couldn’t you? They are too cute! These sexy trinkets were made by Choutte and they are official! They are made with synthetic diamonds and a quartz movement and have a LED screen. So when you want to know the time the diamonds light up to show you. I think the colors are really cute and would also make a great gift for the Hello Kitty lover in your life check out the collection below! You want one? HERE you go!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

100 Positive affirmations

  1. I am the best
  2. I lift my shoulders and straghten my back & i feel power.
  3. I am an important and valuable human being
  4. I deserve respect
  5. My opinion matters
  6. Everything about me is beautiful,including my flaws.
  7. Jesus loves me.
  8. I am an incrediable person,but I remain humble.
  9. Im am brilliant.
  10. Nobody cant tell me what I am not.
  11. I am who ever and want ever that I want to be.
  12. I am the most beautiful when I smile.
  13. It doesnt matter what people say,what matters is how I react and what I believe.
  14. I am sexy
  15. Clothing does not make me stylish.I make clothes stylish.
  16. I accept others as they are & they accept me as i am.
  17. I can get over my fear of loving
  18. I am blessed
  19. I must forgive to be truly happy.
  20. I realized that noone is perfect,so once again I must forgive.
  21. I will open myself to new relationships everyday.
  22. I am thankful to be healthy whole and complete
  23. I am Alive
  24. I am a beautiful spirit
  25. I am the most beautiful when I smile
  26. I have so much to give to the world.It would be a shame to hold it back.
  27. My body is a temple
  28. If I do good.good will come onto me.
  29. No one is better than me.
  30. I march to the beat of my own drum.
  31. My thoughts are under my control.
  32. I am thankful for the people that are in my life.
  33. I appreciate the people in my life
  34. I appreciate my freinds,they dont have to be there but they are.
  35.  I radiate love and happiness.
  36. I am surrounded by love.
  37. I am successful in whatever I do.
  38. Everything is getting better every day
  39. I have everything that I need.
  40. I can get anything that I want if I put my mind to it.
  41. 1. I am a confident and positive person, and confident and positive persons gravitate toward me everyday.
  42.  I know who I obviously am and what I like in personal relationships.
  43. I am attracting powerfully positive and healthy people into my life.
  44. I am caring, smart, supportive, loyal, and fun to be with.
  45.  I feel completely at ease and comfortable with all types of people.
  46.  I am winning in all my relationships.
  47. I am a positive and valuable contributor to my relationships.
  48.  I possess complete ability to articulate my thoughts and feelings to everyone, and I express myself wisely.
  49. I create healthy relationships
  50. I put into people.what I want out of them.
  51. All the thing that I need will come to me. It is up to me to rcive them.
  52. I aways receive more then I need.
  53. Challenges help me grow.
  54. High pressure creates a diamond.
  55. Today has limitless possibllites
  56. I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to.
  57. I am strong.
  58. This too shall pass.
  59. My intentions create my reality.
  60. Today I choose joy.
  61. I will do my best at what ever task that is thrown my way.
  62. I am The H.B.I.C  of my life.
  63. Never a failure,always a lesson.
  64. Every moment brings a choice.make the right one.
  65. When I believe in myself, so do others 
  66. I express my needs and feelings

  67. I am my own unique self - special, creative and wonderful
  68. I give out Love and it is returned to me multiplied

  69. I rejoice in the Love I encounter everyday.
  70. My life is a joy filled with love, fun and friendship all I need do is stop all criticism, forgive, relax and be open.

  71. I choose love, joy and freedom, open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life
  72. Today I forgive myself for:breaking any of my own rules.
  73. Today I forgive myself for:not hearing myself amongst the chatter of others
  74. Today I forgive myself for:not knowing how to make someone else well.
  75. Today I forgive myself for:not getting started on a priority when it screamed out to me before.
  76. I forgive myself completely for every mistake I have ever made.
  77. I forgive others, knowing that we all did the best we could at that time.
  78. I let go of guilt, blame, shame, judgment, and hurt.

  79. I am free from condemnation.
  80. I forgive my parents completely.

  81. I forgive everyone who did not give me the love and attention I desired.

  82. I forgive myself for my unconscious behaviors of the past.

  83. I forgive others theirs as well.

  84. I allow myself to feel forgiven and to move forward in life.

  85. If there is something or someone you are still having a hard time letting go of, ask God for help.

  86. I approve of myself.

  87. I am proud of myself.

  88. I light the world with my smile.

  89. I am connected to God. God expresses through me to impress upon the world what a divine creation I am.

  90. I have a purpose that I am fulfilling to my divine potential.

  91. My presence makes a difference in the world. I joyously take on the challenge of exploring my passions and pursuing my goals so that the world can benefit from my existence.
  92. I radiate divine light to all those around me.
  93. I am capable of the impossible through faith.
  94. I am an expression of the Divine, perfect and complete just as I am.

  95. I am open to my divine potential.
  96. I am willing to try new things courageously.
  97. I know that I am capable of the impossible.

  98. I have a keen capacity to learn new skills that support my success.
  99. I release all blocks pertaining to my goal.
  100. I release my fear of failure. I am motivated by love, always

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tell your self that you are Beautiful.

Positive affrmations.

Possitive afframations are an awesome way to boost your self esteem.By using the power possitive afframations and repeating them,you can recondition your brilliant brain & change how you think and feel about your self or any situation.Being possitive Is soooo important,not only does It boost your confedince but it can put you on the road to success move you and closer to your dreams.Thinking negitivly is a waste of your time & your presious energy & it gets you nowhere.Uplift your self and move away from negitave thinking.So how can you be more possitive? Read below

What you should tell your gorgeous face in the mirror every day:

  • I deserve to be happy
  • I deserve to be successful
  • I will be successful
  • I am beautiful
  • I have the power to change myself
  • I will be better than I am
  • I am beautiful
  • I can make my own choices and decisions
  • I am flexiable and open to change in every aspect of my life
  • I am beautiful
  • I am worthy of  love
  • I deserve to be loved.
  • I am beautiful.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Self Esteem & Confidence

So many people have low self esteem, especially women, children and teens. Discover articles on ways to help build and improve confidence with simple exercise activities and training lessons to encouraging positive thinking. Learn how to increase positive attitudes and thoughts throughout the day with these power thinking ideas and behaviors.